London Wedding Photographer - Nicole Engelmann

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The last couple of weeks were quite busy and demanding, so unfortunately I haven´t had a lot of time to go out and shoot, apart from the gigs I went to. I hope that I´ll be able to put new stuff online pretty soon. In the meantime I actually found some time revisiting past shoots and doing some edits. I really enjoy the editing part of photography, it´s almost as much fun as the actual shooting. I´ve read somewhere that going back to old photos after a couple of months is also part of improving your skills and your images. You´re going to look at those photos with a fresh eye and you will see the photos in a different light, maybe you even find new gems, which you overlooked the first time. Anyway here are some new/old images from my photo shoots during the last 6 months.

As always let me know what you think and if you sometimes revisit old shoots.

Take care.